Monday, February 12, 2007

Working at it

I have been so buried in my reading and studying that I neglected to update last week - sorry!

Let's see, what can I claim is new this week?
I have been reading about System Tools today and decided to adjust my automatic tasks - I added my antivirus program to automatically update daily - that way I am sure to be protected with the most current definitions.

Also, I finally got around to installing Skype this week. I got these cool little headphones from DH and we actually had a live video chat via Skype. I have to say, it's pretty cool, and handy if you have friends or family overseas. We have the Optimum Voice option for our phone line at home, so we are only paying 29.99 a month for unlimited calling and long-distance within the US, so I wouldn't really use it for domestic calls, unless I really REALLY needed to talk with someone and the phone line was otherwise engaged. I would definitely chose Skype over my cell phone because I get terrible reception within my house. I think it's a good alternative to calling cards or long distance providers - and if I ever need to speak to someone in Denmark, I'll be sure to use it.

Three Goals for this week:
1. Pass my first exam this Wednesday - I'll be happy with 75% correct, but my competitive, obsessive side is looking for upper 90s

2. Break out the canned air and give my PC and keyboard a makeover

3. Start planning what I need to build my own PC for my term project.

Yes, I know these are some lightweight goals for the week, but I really need to catch up and study before winter break and Hudson is home for an ENTIRE WEEK!! I doubt I'll get much done when he's begging to play WoW all day every day....

Thursday, February 1, 2007

May I Be Excused? My Brain is Full...

WHOA! What a week - this Mike Meyers guy (author of our class text) is kicking me around like...oh, I don't know what - a slow rodeo clown on his first day of work? How's that for a visual?
My head is swirling with buses, connectors, Pentium chips - I think I just need time to process it all.

So, what have I done this week besides ignore my eBay sales and tend to a sick child? I defragged my hard drive, that's what!! It wasn't TOO red, so I was pleased that I had not neglected this task for too long. I also realized I had no spyware killer on this machine, so I went to, one of my very favorite sites for research, and downloaded Ad-Aware SE Personal. By the way, cNet also produces a great little segment that downloads to my Tivo every week - Tips for Digital Living. Get it if you have Tivo.

My Goals for the Coming Week:
1. Get caught up on my homework - how can I be BEHIND already?
2. Figure out what CPU I have in my machine, how much RAM and determine if I should perform an upgrade
3. Set up a scheduled backup - I am shamed to say I have NEVER backed up my work!! Don't look at me like that!!

Have a Good Week!